We are available for a variety of coaching. Check us out, and let us know if there is any way we can help you on your journey.
Michele Turner

Integrative Nutrition & Lifestyle Consultant
Regenerative Detoxification Specialist
Clinical Iridologist
Michele got her first taste of nutritional education in 1989, and knew from that moment on that she wanted to learn as much as she could about health and wellness. In 1993 she got her first fitness and nutrition certification, and has been working in the health industry and relentlessly pursuing nutritional knowledge in all it's forms since then. Over the years, her fitness and nutritional coaching eventually led her to teaching larger audiences with her nutrition basics class she created in 2004. She has led hundreds through her teachings, guiding them to greater health through nutrition and lifestyle education.
In 2011, this red meat-eating gym rat met and fell in love with a vegetarian. She insisted that she would eventually have him eating meat again, but the opposite ended up being true. Through Michele's continuous research, the evidence of the benefits of a plant-based diet that were emerging were compelling, and eventually indisputable. In 2014, both Michele and Jared set out on a nutritional journey that would change their lives forever. Both became Plant-Based, primarily RAW Vegan. Within four months, they had lost a combined total of over 75 pounds, perfected their blood panels, and realized they were now on the TRUE road to freedom.
Michele is available for health, nutrition, and lifestyle coaching. With simple tools and over 25 years experience, she will work with you to co-create a program that fits your lifestyle and ensures you reach your health, wellness & lifestyle goals.
Jared Turner
(Rudra Das)
Kirtan Wallah
Vedic Astrologer & Spiritual Counselor

Jared Turner, also known in his Dallas/Fort Worth community as Rudra Das, began studying theology very early in life. As an adult, he focused his studies primarily on Eastern spirituality and traditions. In 2008 he began leading kirtan in and around the Dallas Fort Worth area, and in 2010 released his first album, "A Deeper Sense of Surrender". In 2009, with prompting from his spiritual teacher, Rudra Das was led to the study of the science of Vedic Astrology, and in 2013, completed his Vedic Astrology certification through the American Academy of Vedic Arts and Sciences. Generally, a Vedic Astrologer will help you see how the planets have been working in your life since birth. More specifically, through interpretation of your personal chart, Rudra Das will help you see what soul lessons you are here to learn in this lifetime.
Rudra Das works as a guide to help you understand your purpose and your path in this lifetime (your dharma) to identify potential opportunities your life has for you, and to plan auspicious times in your evolution to start a new project, choose a career path, or make major life changes.
Rudra Das is available for both Vedic Astrology and Spiritual Counseling sessions.